A Bit About Us
Working Towards a Better Tomorrow
Dear Friends and Supporters of TEACH Programs:
We want to strongly thank the community who has been largely supporting TEACH youth from underserved communities and diverse backgrounds.
Now more than ever, TEACH organization must maintain the integrity of the program and educate our youth virtually, as we first and foremost strive to assure the safety of our kids.
As a result of the pandemic, schools, after school programs, community centers, and the like, were also forced to halt traditional face to face programming. This has also caused us to have to move forward without a partner site for the safety of our kids.
However, our outstanding facilitators will continue to bridge the gap between education and entrepreneurship, virtually, one business at a time throughout the summer.
We have a solid team of entrepreneurs, business professionals and community leaders ready to tackle the challenges of COVID-19.
I am proud to be able to say that many of our team of facilitators have adopted virtual lessons to provide outstanding, resourceful, intentional, interactive, and fun learning activities throughout the summer.
Your child will be inspired to be entrepreneurial plus have opportunity for ongoing mentorship, get connected with community service opportunities, and receive feedback on their unique ideas to start a business.
We are keenly aware that the economic spiral caused significant hardship on many of those who provide financial support to TEACH programs, therefore the net effect on the girls we serve could be devastating.
It is my hope that all industries and educational institutions will bounce back and we can all get back to something that resembles normal soon.
When that happens, TEACH will be ready to pick up where we left off, offering the supports that kids need to reach their fullest potential in the workplace.
Please continue to donate and support us even as we struggle with the same uncertainty that the world is facing.
These continued resources will allow us to continue serving the youth who will be our future leaders once the pandemic is over.
On behalf of everyone at Teachers and Entrepreneurs Activate Change, thank you and we appreciate you prioritizing our kids.
Best Regards,
Tammy Robinson